How safe are the Abortion Pills

How safe are the Abortion Pills post thumbnail image

abortion pillsIt is safe to use the abortion pills

The abortion pills are safe for Medical Abortion. They are effective, and they are safe for the woman who uses them. The abortion pills will not lead to any maternal deaths or complications. The fetus has no defence mechanisms yet, so there is no risk of hurting the fetus in any way. The mother will have nothing but a mild discomfort that can be easily treated with simple over-the-counter medications. It’s the most common Procedure besides the Surgical Abortion

How can you keep yourself safe when using the abortion pills

  • Avoid alcohol and drugs.

The abortion pill is a prescription medication, so you should not drink alcohol while taking it. This is because drinking alcohol can increase the risk of serious side effects from misoprostol and mifepristone. If you are vomiting, have diarrhoea or experience abdominal pain after taking the abortion pills, do not take any more of them until spoken to by your doctor or pharmacist. If you have severe bleeding that interferes with your daily activities, this could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy (where an embryo implants outside the uterus) or other complication – see your doctor as soon as possible if this happens to you.

When do the abortion pills not work

If you are over the age of 40, or if you have a history of heart disease, it may be safer to use an alternative method. Ectopic pregnancies and other complications that might require surgery should also be evaluated by your doctor.

You should also be aware that abortion pills do not work for everyone and there are many reasons why they fail to work. Some people experience very light bleeding after taking the medication, but this does not indicate failure. If you have taken the pills but still have heavy bleeding or cramps, contact your doctor immediately because there may still be some tissue left inside of you which needs to be removed surgically or through another method such as endometrial ablation (destruction).

You can safely and effectively use abortion pills to end a pregnancy.

Abortion pills are the most common method of ending a pregnancy. They are safe, effective, and can be used at home without a doctor’s help or prescription.

  • Safe: Abortion pills are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to end pregnancies up to 10 weeks into your pregnancy—that’s about three months before what you would consider “full-term.” They work by causing your body to expel its contents in a way that mimics a miscarriage. Because they work so well, abortion pills are considered safe even if you’re only five weeks pregnant—and some women begin taking them as soon as two weeks after conception!
  • Effective: The process itself is pretty straightforward: You take one pill on day one and another on day two; then continue with a third pill on day three if needed (though very few women will need this dose). If all goes according to plan, your body will start expelling its contents within two weeks of starting treatment—usually during your period.

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