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Access Abortion Services Clinic For both Medical & Surgical Options
Dr Garry Abortion Clinic Services, We offer quick and safe Medical abortion (abortion pills) and womb cleaning at affordable prices. Also offering Surgical Procedures (in-clinic Abortion). The abortion pills can be used for abortions for pregnancies lasting 2–7 months after your last menstrual period. Regarding safe Abortion Clinic services, click on the Book button
Medication Abortion | Abortion Pills Availability
The abortion pill (also known as a medication abortion) is offered up to 16 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period. It is a safe and effective way of ending an early pregnancy.
If your last period was more than 16 weeks ago, we can still help. Call us for surgical abortion services.
Abortion pill (medication abortion) services are available by appointment only.
Medication Abortion at Home | Telehealth Pills
Abortion at home allows you to receive compassionate, expert abortion care while in the comfort of your own home rather than at a health centre. This can be a good option if transportation or time off from work makes it hard for you to schedule an abortion appointment at one of our health centres. Book your appointment online or by phone at +27715913918
Surgical Procedures | In-Clinic Abortion Option
We offer the option to terminate pregnancies from 5 weeks to 17 weeks and 6 days in gestation with a dilation and curettage (D&C) or dilation and evacuation (D&E) procedure. This procedure is completed with vacuum aspiration or suction curettage; no incisions are involved.
If you are under 16 weeks of gestation, you might be eligible for the abortion pill (a set of medications) that terminates a pregnancy. Our Main referral Dr MD Nico
Questions about abortion answered
Medically speaking, this might seem like a basic question. Abortion occurs when a pregnancy ends before the birth of a baby.
There are two types of abortion: medication abortion and in-clinic abortion (which is also called “surgical” abortion, although it doesn’t typically involve cutting tissue or getting stitches). Medication abortion, which is the most common, can be done at home any time within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Typically, patients take two different medicines
Abortion—for which safety has been closely scrutinized for decades—is an extraordinarily low-risk procedure. It’s safer than giving birth or getting a colonoscopy.
In today’s era, most people choose medication abortion as the most preferred method of terminating a pregnancy. Medication abortion and abortion pills are the same thing. Further, it offers a secure and non-invasive experience to women and works as an alternative to surgical procedures. In this blog post, you will get to know about how do abortion pills work and the reason people choose this method on an extensive level.
The reason behind the popularity of medical abortion is its easy availability and convenience. Even to keep your pregnancy termination more private, you can obtain medication abortions through telemedicine. Also, you can consult with professionals or healthcare providers who work remotely. It will help you receive all the necessary medication on time through mail delivery. Abortion Clinic Near you
A surgical abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy. While the term “surgery” is often used, most abortions are minimally invasive and don’t require general anesthesia. Surgical abortions are a good option for people who want their abortion completed in a clinic or hospital setting.
Dr. Garry Women’s Clinic, offers quick and safe Medical abortion with medically approved abortion pills and womb-cleaning pills at an affordable price.
- +27715913918
- info@abortionpillclinic.co.za
- South Africa